IntroducingAeroSenseMax McKelvey's research project under Sep MakhsousOptimizing HVAC systems with Smart Environmental MonitoringSee us on LinkedIn →Purchase Now →
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Why AeroSense?
- AeroSense provides a solution for commercial building to reduce the energy consumption of their HVAC systems
- HVAC systems are the largest energy consumers in commercial buildings
- HVAC systems are responsible for up to 40% of the energy consumption in commercial buildings
- HVAC systems typically contribute between 30% to 40% of a commercial building's total carbon emissions.
What is AeroSense?
- AeroSense is a smart environmental monitoring system that enables targeted HVAC optimization
- Utilizes LocSense to provide dynamic indoor localization of sensors
- Providing full indoor environmental mapping coverage
- A modular sensor platform for scalable networks
Our Technology
- Next.js
- TailwindCSS
- tRPC
- NextAuth.js
- Planetscale
- Prisma
- Vercel
- Recharts
- Leaflet